Saturday, October 1, 2011

Monday, January 4, 2010

A couple weeks ago I purchased one Blueberry one-size snap wrap and one Flip one-size snap wrap. I wanted to compare before replenishing my supply of wraps. After 3 years and 3 babies the velcro is shot on most of my Bummis. I chose Flip.

The Blueberry didn't fit both sizes as well. It fit nicely on Morgan's 32.5 lbs, but was quite bulky on Elisa's 14.5 lbs. I didn't see how it would work for a newborn at all. After 3 weeks of use I am loving the Flips. They will easily fit a newborn and both Morgan and Elisa get a great fit. Only time will tell how well they hold up. They were just released in November (I think) so there are no reviews on their longevity. I am using them with my unfastened prefolds and it's working great. I have not tried them at night...I use a's easier.

There isn't a great picture on Morgan. Pouty lip didn't want his picture taken.

I can't wait to try them on a newborn. There is only one new baby around here and I don't know her parents well enough to ask to try it on her without making myself sound completely weird. Guess I'll just have to wait for my own.

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