Friday, May 16, 2008

Mold Again

Two weeks ago we pulled Jason out of school for the next 3 months. His school moved to another building because they are replacing the windows and roof on the town hall where they usually meet. After one week in the other building we noticed his behavior had turned uncontrollable and he was tired all the time. On the norm he is a difficult child, but when he gets around black mold he becomes completely unbearable!

So I says to Caleb that I bet there is mold in that new building (which is, in fact, a very old building). Caleb checked it out and sure enough, the room was covered in black mold. The walls actually looked like they had been sponge painted black. So gross!!!

I don't know how long it will be before he is back to normal. The last episode took about a month before all was well again.
I don't know exactly how we are going to deal with this problem for the rest of our lives. We live in a country where mold and mildew grow abundantly.
I don't know how to help him when he is "under the influence". I can't help but think how it's making our parenting job extremely difficult/impossible.
I don't know what internal damage this is causing in his little body.

I do know one thing...
We are in a pickle and God is the only one who can fix it.

Oh, and we have mold in our bathroom again.


Amie said...

Oh man, that does sound like a pickle. I hope you come up with a solution.

Barbie said...

Wow, I hope Jason recovers quickly from this! I will be praying that you will find an easy solution to your mold problem. Surely, there is something out there that can remedy the problem! Hang in there, Dawn.

I'll post some of the stories that I wrote. Thanks for the suggestion!

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I hope it gets better soon.

Missy said...

Oh, a dear friend of mine became debilitated by mold for a couple of years. She has become extremely chemical sensitive. It has been awful, and very enlightening to me.

What she said worked wonders for her was a sauna. She bought this little sauna machine for her home and just sweats out the toxins.

If you would like to contact her for more details, please let me know!