Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where for art thou, Baby?

There has been no progress on the baby front.
We are all still excitedly awaiting her arrival.

Some of us have odd ways of showing it...


Paula said...

You didn't set this up did you now, Dawn? Cannot wait until I can say that I have a niece!! As far as we know, Jamie(Harvey)Rodriguez still has not had her baby. She was due on the 7th.

Dawn said...

Nope...was not a set up. But I did ask Caleb to take their pictures before we told them to stay out of her clothes. :)

andria said...

My boys were (and still are) so fascinated with the girly clothes and toys.

I hope she comes tomorrow (the 13th). That is my mom's 65th birthday and she is the nicest girl I know.