Friday, August 1, 2008

It's a Boy Thing

Surely only a boy
would think to fill his squirt gun
by peeing in it.


Be Thou Exalted said...

Oh, my word!! I cannot stop laughing. Is this what I have to look forward to?!!

Wendy said...

Oh no!

Amie said...


Katina said...

ROTF!!!! Too funny!!!!

Stephanie said...

Ah, yes! Boys!

Dana said...

Of COURSE only a boy would think of this! How would a girl even get the pee into the squirt gun? Use a funnel? Boys are great, aren't they? I hope he didn't squirt anybody with it!

Melissa said...


Anonymous said...

OMW that is so funny. Well of course probably not at the time, but can you imagine the stories you will have to tell them when they are grown

I Am Boymom said...

Nothing involving boys and peeing surprises me anymore. I have to say though, this is the most creative use of pee I have encountered in awhile! Genius!

4funboys said...

yep.... it sure is!