Thursday, September 27, 2007


  • Morgan has a dimple in his right cheek.
  • We had a friend visit from Llanfairfechan today. It was lovely to see her and talk about our boys. She has four boys too. We can relate to each other. lol!
  • We came downstairs this morning to a floor covered in noodles. Jason was at work! Unfortunately they were Paul's wheat-free noodles which are not cheap.
  • Morgan weighs 10lb 11oz already! He is a good eater! I need to put him on skim milk! lol!
  • It is feeling like the end of fall here. I got out the winter coats yesterday.
  • Caleb got his new camera today. Its an Olympus E-510 Digital SLR...Woo! Hoo! : P So watch out for loads of pictures. He is going to have lots of fun playing with his new toy.
  • My Welsh class starts on Monday.
  • My brother, Noah, had a car accident. He fell asleep, flipped his car and totaled it. He has over 40 stitches and he fractured a vertebrae in his back. Thankfully everything will heal and he has disability insurance! He will be out of work for at least two months.


Dana said...

WOW! Lots going on there! Way to grow Morgan! What a chunky monkey! Isn't if nice when they're big and healthy like that? Makes them seem less fragile. I'm sorry to hear about your brother! How scary that must've been to wake up to! I'm glad to hear he's ok. Can't wait for the pictures.....

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your brother, glad that everything will heal with time. Morgan is such a cutie!!